Cataract Surgery Training In India


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Cataract Surgery Training In India

Cataract surgery training courses means a young ophthalmologist , who is just out of residency gets exposed to a 2-4 week training which involves didactic lectures, wet labs and hand on cataract surgery. for most it is the first time they have actually operated a cataract patient by them-selves.

Are you the right candidate for the training?

The candidate need to same some basic clinical skills to make best of the training courses. You need to decide if you have the skills to make best out of training.

Features which considered essential in a trainee ophthalmologist for cataract surgery training

Features of a cataratc surgery trainee
Thomas R, Dogra M. An evaluation of medical college departments of ophthalmology in India and change following provision of modern instrumentation and training. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2008;56(1):9–16. doi:10.4103/0301-4738.37589

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The cataract surgery training facility should have certain basic infrastructure and resources to be able to provide the appropriate training to the candidate.

Following are the list of requirements for providing cataract surgery training to the candidates.

Criteria for the operating room

Features of a cataract surgery trainee 1
Thomas R, Dogra M. An evaluation of medical college departments of ophthalmology in India and change following provision of modern instrumentation and training. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2008;56(1):9–16. doi:10.4103/0301-4738.37589

Criteria for outpatient department (OPD) and ward

Criteria for OPD and ward

Criteria for the trainers

Criteria for trainers

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Training courses offered by various eye hospitals and institutions include didactic teaching, videos, wet lab and ‘hands-on’ training (assisted and then solo).

There are three type of courses offered,

  • SICS training course
  • Phaco training course
  • Femto laser assisted cataract ( FLAC) surgery training course

Most of the new ophthalmologist joining these training courses are fresh out of post graduation . Most of the post graduation colleges offer very few  opportunities to acquire cataract surgical skills during residency courses.

If you offer Cataract surgery training,, list your courses here.

Course fee

The course fee is variable and differs from center to center ,  duration of the course , number of hands on cases allotted to the trainee. As per prevailing rates, the course fee can be estimated as (2 K-4K INR) per eye given to the trainee. Trainee gets around one to two ( max) eyes per day. If you have chosen 25 cases , the training will last around one month and fee will be around 50K INR.

Final amount may be more as GST and other taxes are applicable.

Travel and stay

Travel and stay has to be separate;y arranged , which is significant cost, as the training last for many days.

Temporary Registration

If you are not an Indian citizen than MCI Registration will be separately charged by the organizers.

Temporary Registration for Foreign Nationals for Undergoing Postgraduate Medical Course in India is 5000 INR.


Cataract Surgery Training Centres In India

Cataract Surgery in India